
  • If you think you may need to cancel or change appointment dates, please message me or send an email about the request 24 hours in advance. Anything after this will result a “no call no show” (this means you did not give a 24hr notice or call at all to let me know that you were no longer able to attend your appointment) the card on file will be charge the FULL amount of your appointment selected.

    If there is an emergency on my end where I have to reschedule you, I will do so as fast as I possibly can. A 10-dollar credit will be added to your total if you decide to reschedule.

  • In the event that we have to reschedule due to an emergency, weather, or uncontrollable circumstance we will reschedule you for whatever time works best for you.

    Repeat appointment will need to be scheduled Tuesday-Friday within two weeks of original appointment. After the two weeks is up the appointment follow up is no longer free.

  • Ultrasounds provided by Kathryn’s Keepsake Ultrasounds have NO medical purpose, and no medical reports are provided. Our only intent is to allow you and your family to share an unforgettable experience with your baby.

  • We require you to be under prenatal care with an OBGYN or Midwife to receive our elective pregnancy ultrasound services. We need their name and phone number as proof of prenatal care. This question is asked on our questionnaire upon booking an appointment.

    In the unfortunate circumstance that we find a fetus without a beating heart, you will be refunded in full. If we call the wrong gender, you will be refunded in full, as well as a free 3D/4D/HD Ultrasound. If baby is shy for their 3D/4D/HD scan, we may have you come back for a free scan within two weeks.

  • When you refer a friend send them in with your first and last name, when they attend their appointment, they will receive $10 off their appointment, and you will receive a $10 credit for your next appointment as well!

    Please notify the front desk about your referral so you get the 10$ off.

    This does not go towards discounted scans, deals, or stack on top of other coupons.